Learn more When shopping for a quality keychain or mini multi-tool ... The base T6 EDC Keyring packs two screwdrivers, two hex wrenches, a bottle opener and a tiny but mighty blade. - Credit: Orioners ...
If you want a Swiss Army Knife with a bottle opener on your keychain, the Rambler is a good option. It has two layers of ...
With four new Cerakote-powered treatments, the keychain-sized Micra is now more colorful and corrosion-resistant than ever.
Leatherman is the LeBron James of multitools – it’s not a question of whether you need one so much as which one you need ...
For comparison, the Spartan has just two layers, with its blades on one side and its openers on the other ... The handle also has a keychain ring in case you'd actually want to attach such ...
As part of your keychain, you might want it to fit your ... nail file, tweezers, can opener, bottle opener, and toothpick, key ring, and a reamer, punch, and sewing awl. I do find many of these ...
Purchase your tickets to enjoy 2-3 drinks or shots while you crawl with a party cup, keychain lanyard with bottle opener, a bar crawl badge and green and gold beads, plus exclusive food and drink ...
While it's great to have a multitool with a ton of features, those features aren't going to do you much good if the tool is ...