Researchers worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to lower the water level in Red Rock reservoir a foot and a half so the ...
When will this rare bird, a symbol of Japan, once again fly over this nation? A new challenge is about to begin. The Environment Ministry has decided to release toki crested ibises, designated as a ...
“So if there’s a GPS satellite flying on the opposite side of the Earth from the moon, then those signals are traveling past ...
The series follows Yashiro, a young, high-ranking yakuza boss and president of a front corporation. He is assigned a new bodyguard, Chikara Dōmeki, who discovers that his employer is a ...
The Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB) has released the preliminary report on its ongoing investigation into the incident involving a Hawker 900XP aircraft, recommending the inspection of ...
Did you know that you can submit photographs to be included in this sites image gallery? If you would like to suggest a photo then please email a copy to [email protected] along with the website ...
As climate change shifts migratory patterns and bird populations grow, the problem posed by birds for airlines, pilots and passengers is becoming more visible. On 30 December 2024, 179 passengers ...
The great egret, a majestic yet stressed bird, strides through the city streets with an air of desperation. Its snow-white feathers, typically a vision of elegance, now appear dull and ruffled ...
Robin Radar Systems in Holland has worked to refine radar that can detect small flying objects. Birds can cause havoc at airfields where aircraft take off and land at high rates, so detecting birds ...
A bird flying over an elementary school in Ireland dropped a severed hand from its beak last week — and authorities believe the body part may belong to a local boy recently hurt in a gas-can ...
Some bird species have developed the astonishing ability to sleep while flying. They do that by resting one half of their brain while keeping the other half alert to navigate and avoid obstacles.
The U.S. Space Force wants to launch dozens of small, cheap satellites as part of its Resilient GPS program ... than the legacy alternative. But when flying together as a constellation of dozens ...