After a century of decreased sightings, reports of a long-necked water monster the size of a hippopotamus are once again ...
For centuries, at least, the indigenous Bantu peoples of Central, East, and Southern Africa have traded tales of a lumbering ...
"When people move they move for a reason ... migration - from the great lakes, from the Congo forest and from Angola. There is evidence that the Bantu ancestors of the modern Swahili peoples ...
NEED TO MOVE "When people move they move for ... migration - from the great lakes, from the Congo forest and from Angola. There is evidence that the Bantu ancestors of the modern Swahili peoples ...
“We are not scared of anybody. If we wanted to fight, we could have targeted the people that are behind this, but we did not opt for that. That is why Cyril Ramaphosa called [Rwanda President] Paul ...