An Israeli high school student was arrested on Sunday after making a Nazi salute at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during a school trip to Poland, Ynet reported. The 12th-grade student ...
In March 1943, Irma Grese was transferred to Auschwitz, the biggest and most infamous of the Nazi death camps. A loyal, dedicated, and obedient Nazi member, Grese rapidly ascended to the rank of ...
Directed by Krzysztof Łukaszewicz, ‘Pilecki’s Report’ is a Polish biographical drama that tells the story of Polish resistance officer Witold Pilecki (Przemyslaw Wyszynski), who infiltrated the Nazi ...
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The world's focus will be on the remaining survivors of Nazi Germany's atrocities on Monday as world leaders and royalty join them ...
The compact model features an "upside-down" layout that sleeps up to six people, at a squeeze. As you might expect, the interior of the home is very compact. Access is gained by sliding glass ...
Housing developer Bellway Homes Ltd applied to Bassetlaw District Council for the appearance, layout, scale and landscaping of the scheme, earmarked for land south of Scrooby Road in Harworth.
Some survived being sent to the Auschwitz death camp in what was German-occupied Poland. The appeals court had held that the survivors satisfied the exception the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act ...
A dedicated cycle lane goes around the perimeter of the roundabout Louise Simpson added: "I think it looks really smart but I do think we will need our wits about us with the new layout." ...
The Bild obtained the drawings of the Auschwitz layout, including gas chambers, and published several images in its Nov. 8 edition marking the 70th anniversary of the Kristallnacht pogrom.
"Turski was born in 1926 in Druskieniki, in what was then Poland, he endured the unimaginable suffering of the Łódź Ghetto, the deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and the brutal Death March ...
Train, January 25, 1944, Westerbork to Auschwitz. This is a postwar list of people who survived this transport. It is the same as the list that immediately precedes it except that three more names and ...
Train of September 1, 1944. Westerbork to Auschwitz. This is a postwar document listing a survivor from this transport. It shows the person's last anme, first initials, and postwar address.