My grandmother was Assyrian. She hailed from Iraq, spoke modern Aramaic, and prayed like clockwork each morning before preparing breakfast. My grandmother's story seems unremarkable, but to take ...
You save $23 (16%) You save $23 (16%) Sleep headphones come in three styles: wireless earbuds, earmuffs, and headbands with speaker drivers inside. We tested all three. Secure, comfy fit A good ...
The setting was war-torn northeast Syria. Within the territory controlled by Kurdish fighters was a string of Assyrian Christian farming villages along the Khabur River. These Assyrians had ...
(ACOR) Amman -- Petra's architecture had been under the strong Greco-Roman influence, but other styles were also seen, originating from Assyria. In 1862, the architect Jakob Ignaz Hittorffdrew ...
Ealing, England -- The opening of St Mary's Cathedral on Saturday (15) brought together more than 500 members of the Assyrian Church of the East Community. Formerly known as St James' Church, it stood ...
THE opening of St Mary's Cathedral on Saturday (15) brought together more than 500 members of the Assyrian Church of the East Community. Formerly known as St James’ Church, it stood unused in St James ...
The modern Syriac people have celebrated Akitu, or Assyrian-Babylonian new year, for decades, in their homeland and worldwide. There are tens or even hundreds of articles and documents telling the ...
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The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the victims were kidnapped during a three day offensive near Hasaka, in which Daesh reclaimed 10 villages inhabited by the Assyrian Christians.