Weekly sermon summaries for local and area churches.
4. Unaware of true religion Some Pharisees (School of Shammai) were much stricter than others. A perfect example was Saul of Tarsus, who became the Apostle Paul after his conversion. Paul described ...
The point? Human glory is never permanent. In our scripture, we have the author, the apostle Paul, reminding the Corinthians that all glory is fleeting, except for one kind. All human glory ...
The Pharisee arrogantly prays ... humble themselves will be exalted’” (Luke 18: 9-14). We turn now to the apostle Paul, who wrote extensively about pride since it can lead to spiritual ...
Categorise such religionists as Pharisee Saul’s band and you won’t be wrong. Saul, in the holy book that these religionists use, went around confronting people, doing the wrong thing but was ...
The Pharisees’ perversion of divorce and remarriage During ... The desertion clause: Divorce due to abandonment The Apostle Paul provides another legitimate ground for divorce in 1 Corinthians 7:15, ...
The miracles that Jesus performed do not suffice for the Pharisees, and so they ask Jesus for a sign from heaven, which is God’s confirmation of Jesus’ authority and claims. Jesus sees this as their ...