With the help of West Coast Arborists, the other two baby owls are back home, 50 feet up in a Eucalyptus tree. The team could see the little owlet, has siblings.
Among the smallest owl species in North America, the saw-whet is the size of a smartphone topped with a ping-pong ball. With ...
Two injured bald eagles were recovered in Lake County by the Saint Helen-based organization, the Association to Rescue ...
Bird experts agree Creamsicle is rare — and potentially even unique  — in its colouring. But they disagree about what’s ...
Analysis of the isotopes of their feathers rules out the possibility that they were born in captivity and suggests that they ...
The state’s top environmental agency released Wednesday an apparent cause of death for a beloved snowy owl that was found ...
Moreover, the owl often allowed a close approach, suggesting it may have been trying to conserve limited energy reserves.
Marilyn Weiler treated the Monday Senior Lunch Bunch to an hour of curious and humorous bird sayings and expressions on Feb.
It's unclear whether those projects can move forward without such analyses. "The obvious problem is that when you're cutting down trees, you could be cutting down the habitat for the California ...
Their tail fans will typically have some shorter feathers with longer feathers in the middle ... You want to set up as close as you can to a gobbling tom without bumping him. In open woods this might ...