"Cycling into treacle" Wigan adventurer braves extreme winds and oxygen deficit riding from lowest to highest point in South ...
Oli France, from Wigan, embarked on the third phase of his colossal undertaking known as the 'Ultimate Seven Project'. His ...
A Wigan adventurer said he felt he was “cycling into treacle” as he faced extreme winds riding across South America and low ...
Oli France is attempting to complete the challenge for one person to go to the highest and lowest points on all seven ...
I can tell you this,” declared our host this past week, as we gazed into our glasses at a “Mystery Wine” as part of a blind ...
Mount Kilimanjaro is something I needed to do - not just for myself and my bucket list - but to show people going through something that mountain-sized problems can be smashed' ...
Eva Steinwald is training to climb Mount Everest this spring. If she makes it to the top, Steinwald will become the oldest American woman to summit Mount Everest and she will also have completed the ...
Collette Offers Immersive Kenya and Tanzania Safari Experience 548609 0 0 AM 74 false false 1089 30206326 true true false ...
Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the world’s most well-known and iconic mountains. Located in Tanzania, which is in East Africa, ...
Led by Purdue student Yasmin Pirbhai, 10 students set on a journey to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and did it successfully.