Sustainable fishing policies passed in the 1970s have backfired in rural Native villages, where many family-run boats have raised their hooks and nets for good.
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities has announced its plan to conduct a feasibility study to ...
Long Lake’s financial picture blossomed unexpectedly this winter as the historic lumber town found out it is designated as the sole beneficiary of all proceeds of the sale of John Hendrickson and ...
The Eighth Congress of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) opened on Sunday in the capital, Ankara. The congress is expected to be a turning point for the party, whose leader, ...
The Alaska Volcano Observatory detected an explosion at Korovin ... The event from Korovin’s summit lake region lasted less than 10 seconds. Scientists say the explosion was caused by overpressure of ...
His specialty sent him north, up to Adak, Alaska. “In the middle of the Aleutian islands, our radio station was in a converted storage room in the back of a naval receiver site,” he said.
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Since his election, President Donald Trump has repeatedly expressed support for a major natural gas pipeline in Alaska — comments that have drawn fresh attention to a project ...
To examine how the relationship between lake area and the extent of intact permafrost varies across Alaska, the researchers used images taken nearly daily at 10-meter resolution by the Sentinel-2 ...