In response to widespread concern that some students avoid becoming CPAs due to the time and cost associated with post-bachelor's degree licensure ...
A shrinking pool of high school graduates is challenging small private colleges in Massachusetts, which are increasingly ...
Alissa Vickery is taking over as interim CFO as Tom Panther has left the company to become CFO of the National Christian Foundation.
Now through April 9, about five dozen Cal State Long Beach students will provide free income tax preparation.
Attorney Robbi Riggs has joined Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard, P.L.L.C in the business and transactional ...
As a former FBI Special Agent and a current forensic accounting professor, I have spent my career studying financial fraud.
KPMG LLP has taken a significant step by launching KPMG Law US, marking a milestone as the first law firm owned by a Big Four ...
The University of Delaware has received the largest philanthropic contribution from an individual or family in the University ...
Once students identify the majors they will pursue for their college studies, they can easily make a list of potential ...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has appointed one and reappointed four members to the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy.
BOZEMAN – For Montana State University students, Alaskan dogsledding and pro bono accounting are all in a day’s work. Just ...
ELLISVILLE- Seventeen of the nineteen Jones College students that competed in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) ...