Explained” video series created by the Center for American Progress and the Legal Defense Fund. This video is a collaboration between the Center for American Progress and the Legal Defense Fund. This ...
Cabinet on Wednesday approved amendments to bills governing the electoral process, including expanding the vote to seventeen-year-olds.In his opening address the president said it was “a historic day” ...
From the continued threats against the Voting Rights Act to new restrictions on mail ballots and voter registration, courts ...
said the Election Commission (EC) wants to remove the fact that the people have been deprived of the voting right for so long.
ATLANTA — The state of Georgia is seeking another Supreme Court showdown over the Voting Rights Act, asking a federal appeals court on Thursday to interpret the 1965 law in a way that could make ...
The state of Georgia is seeking another Supreme Court showdown over the Voting Rights Act. The state asked a federal appeals court to interpret the 1965 law in a way that could make it much harder to ...