There was a palpable sense of betrayal in the air as the show began the second night, and it lingered throughout the remainder of the weekend." ...
Some fans booed, others flipped the band off, and now roughly 100 have joined a class-action lawsuit against Tool over Live ...
Tool performed two sets at the Tool in the Sand festival on March 7 and 8, and played four repeat songs on the second night.
The first-ever ‘Tool Live in the Sand’ destination festival wasn’t a chocolate chip trip for fans—some are considering a potential class action lawsuit. The reason? Fans were disappointed the setlists ...
Tool are reportedly facing a class action lawsuit following their first-ever Tool Live in the Sand festival, which took place last weekend. The band was booed and flipped off during their set ...
Their Tool In The Sand festival was to have been a crowning glory. Instead their setlist sparked fan fury, social media ...
Tool could face a class action lawsuit after disappointing fans at their inaugural Tool In The Sand festival in the Dominican Republic. The band kicked off their first-ever destination music ...
A lawyer says roughly 100 people have signed up for a potential class-action lawsuit against Tool over the band's ...
Fans were promised two "unique" sets for Tool In The Sand event – but some were unhappy when the band repeated 4 songs ...