Netflix's The Breakthrough is based on the infamous and real-life double homicide case, where eight-year-old Mohammad Amouri ...
The Swedish series is based on the true-crime book The Breakthrough: How the genealogist solved the double murder in ...
The Breakthrough,’ or ‘Genombrottet’ as it’s originally known, is a Swedish crime drama show that revolves around a tragic ...
Netflix’s The Breakthrough is a gripping crime drama inspired by the real-life double murder that shocked Sweden in 2004.
In the serene town of Linköping, Sweden, an ordinary morning turned into a nightmare. Eight-year-old Mohammed Ammouri was walking to school when he encountered his attacker, Daniel Nyqvist.
Netflix’s Swedish crime drama show ‘Genombrottet,’ better known as ‘The Breakthrough,’ presents an engaging narrative about a ...
+ How poop could help feed the planet—yes, really. Read the full story.
Amy Nordrum, executive editor, and Charlotte Jee, news editor. Each year, MIT Technology Review publishes an annual list of ...
Researchers successfully added a gene to several types of citrus, which causes the tree to make a protein that kills greening ...
Potentially catastrophic risks to life as we know it have prompted dozens of eminent scientists to hit the brakes on their ...
Earlier this month, Google's quantum computing scientists demonstrated a breakthrough that indicates quantum computing is for real -- and will be able to find its place among other kinds of ...