As the US demands even more from a deal with Ukraine, Monocle’s Julia Lasica and Gunnar Gronlid join Andrew Mueller to ...
A recent study reported in Nature Communications highlighted the loss of glaciers in the Arctic, which has been shown to be the fastest-warming place ... | Earth And The Environment ...
Minimal Impact Cruises is set to offer five English-speaking cruises onboard Selar’s first ship, the Captain Arctic.
Scientists from Norway and the United States have discovered an unexpected cause behind the melting of Europe's third largest ...
It's late morning on board the MS Trollfjord when the announcement comes through: "Land in sight!" Welcome news after sailing ...
Eric Philips will turn dreams of outer space into reality when he becomes the first Australian astronaut to enter into orbit ...
In "Ends of the Earth," Neil Shubin travels north and south to explore the frontiers of polar science and history.
Mold-based explorer James McCorkindale will take on minus 40°C temperatures, 300km of tundra, polar bears, sea ice, frozen glaciers and pull a 75kg sled, when he attempts to cross the High Arctic on a ...
Microsoft’s .NET MAUI lets developers build cross-platform apps in C#, but its use of binary blob files poses new risks by ...
Our planet hosts some of the isolated islands that remain largely untouched, hidden from the world due to their vast distance ...