You get a tax credit or a reduction. Some of these benefits (donations to works, employment at home...) are refunded to you in 2 steps: an advance in January, then the balance in the summer.
The schedule of vaccinations applies to people living in France regardless of their nationality. Some vaccinations are mandatory, others are recommended. Specific rules apply for certain persons ...
Publié le 26 novembre 2024 - Mise à jour le 06 décembre 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister) The taxation of rentals to tourists of furnished real estate ...
Depuis le 1 er janvier 2025, il est interdit de louer des logements étiquetés G sur le diagnostic de performance énergétique.
Les soldes d'hiver débutent le deuxième mercredi du mois de janvier à 8 heures du matin. Cette date est avancée au premier ...
Depuis que les tarifs réglementés du gaz ont pris fin au 30 juin 2023, la Commission de régulation de l'énergie (CRE) publie ...
Le tarif applicable à Paris pour un hébergement non classé ou en attente de classement est de 5 % du coût par personne de la nuitée dans la limite de 15,60 €. À noter Un simulateur est ...
Wrap gifts to raise money, make a marauding, distribute meals, write a greeting card for an isolated person... Do you want to volunteer for the holiday season? Here's how to find a mission that ...
You are having problems with postal or private delivery services. Don't receive your mail or parcels? At this end-of-year period, synonymous with high activity, informs you about ...
To qualify for the quarterly payment, you must indicate this election on your Urssaf online space. For companies engaged in agricultural activity, simply send the dedicated form by mail to your MSA.
The applicable rate in Paris for accommodation that is not classified or is awaiting classification is 5% the cost per person of the overnight stay up to €15.60. One simulator is at your ...