AI web crawling bots are the cockroaches of the internet, many developers believe. FOSS devs are fighting back in ingenuous, ...
As my friends buy houses and start families, why am I at Abba Night with a 24-year-old in a faux-fur head wrap?
There’s a man at work, “Ethan,” who simply crumbles in the face of any kind of stress or pressure. Unfortunately, he is part ...
Memes. If you’re questioning all of your life choices while sitting in another pointless Zoom meeting, you’re in the right place. Here are some funny work memes to help you survive the ...
As of March 21, 241 people were being held for ICE at the Greene County Jail, most of them of Latino background.
Charlena Glenn said her 8-month-old son was abused at a Prichard day care, and it took almost a month for an arrest to be made. After going to the Department of Human ...
There’s a whole lot of false consciousness running around. How to battle against it?  It’s a matter of public health.  It’s ...
The state capital has seen its more than its share of incivility to interrupt meetings, but columnist Tom Philp says this racist porno is a new low.
The Office debuted March 24, 2005. In honor, let's talk about the 10 best episodes in the show's long, venerated history.
The Sharing Place, to raise awareness of Utah's initiative connecting bereaved families who can help them figure out grief ...
Modern society, and the clean energy revolution, depend on rare earth elements. Can Greenland help break China’s stranglehold ...
The Kinda Funny x The MIX Spring Game Showcase 2025 was held during GDC 2025, as we try to recap everything after being at ...