Know the dates for the end of Lent, Holy Week and Easter Sunday in 2025. Why does Easter start late this year?
Moldova broadened an investigation into the financing of a banned pro-Russian political grouping in the country, two days ...
Though largely used as fodder for internet “gotchas” the scuffle pointed to a wider trend — one that could remake the country ...
For centuries, churches have used different methods to calculate the date of Easter. Rarely do they coincide. The search for ...
All of these eastern ritual churches come under the jurisdiction of the Pope through the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, one of the offices of the Roman Curia.
What the Catechism of the Catholic Church says on "The Trinity:" 232. "Christians are baptized 'in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit' [Mt 28:19.] Before receiving the ...
Founded in 1106 in the west of Georgia, the Monastery of Gelati is a masterpiece of the Golden Age of medieval Georgia, a period of political strength and economic growth between the 11th and 13th ...
What is mystical union with Christ? Relating this word 'mystical' to Christianity may seem strange to some and the word may conjure up images of wizards and witches or vague new age spirituality. Yet ...
"With this cross, I pray you bring peace to the world and make America invincible!" said Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek ...
KOTTAYAM: Even as the BJP is making all-out efforts to widen its base in Kerala by reaching out to Christian communities, a statement from the Malankara Orthodo ...
POTTSTOWN — The Miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Icon of St. Anna, mother of the Virgin Mary, will be on display at Holy Trinity ...