Locked’ director David Yarovesky says custom lenses were built to shoot inside an SUV to capture Anthony Hopkins’ torture of ...
Joel Schumacher found success by confining Colin Farrell to a pay phone in “Phone Booth,” Willem Dafoe charmed audiences ...
A review of 'Locked' in which petty thief Bill Skarsgård steals an SUV from Anthony Hopkins and lives to regret it.
A car thief gets trapped in a luxury SUV by its diabolical owner in this remake of an Argentinian film, produced by Sam Raimi ...
Directed by David Yaroevsky (Brightburn'), this containment thriller set in a car fails to take audiences on a memorable ...
Directed by Richard Attenborough, the 1978 psychological horror is a subtle midnight movie and an all-time creepy puppet ...
The unlikely trio of Anthony Hopkins, Emilio Estevez and Mick Jagger make Freejack a middling dystopian sci-fi still very ...
With his latest role, Bill Skarsgård had the task of delivering a terrified and tortured performance with no scene partner.
After the success of Nosferatu, Bill Skarsgård has taken over another challenging role, which is without a doubt quite ...
A psychopathic vigilante bent on meting out extreme punishment to people who deserve it is nothing new. But a rare few do it ...
On the flip side of things, Hopkins brings a malevolent gravitas to William, calling on his iconic tenure as Hannibal Lecter ...
Warning: The following review contains mild spoilers for Locked. Morality is in the eye of the beholder, and therein lies the ...