Most children start recognizing letters between ages 2-3 and can identify most by 4-5. Early literacy skills develop through ...
Since ancient times, great militaries have needed to figure out how to effectively manage manpower in the face of ...
More students are hiding their secret weapon from parents and teachers, racking up top grades while AI chatbots do the work.
Trump — in a bold, sweeping gesture that’s somewhere between a policy decision and an exasperated dad firing a nanny he never ...
I watch nervous little faces walk through my classroom door on the first day of kindergarten. Some cling to their parents, others hide behind their backpacks, wide-eyed and ...
Thank you for publishing the op-ed about Ida B Wells (“Chicago activist Ida B ... Daley, who later became mayor of Chicago in the 1950s. The letters to the editor were all worthy as well ...
J.B. Pritzker. Pritzker ... including writing samples, workbooks, worksheets or other logs of curricular materials. The portfolio would serve "as evidence that the homeschool administrator's ...
I would like to respond to the March 12 LNP | LancasterOnline letter “In Millersville, ‘development’ is a code word for destruction,” and add clarity to the letter writer’s confusion.
They did not vote for surrender and alignment with tyranny. If you are sending a Letter To the Editor, please be sure to follow these rules: Letters have a firm 200-word limit and will be edited ...
School vouchers first and foremost will hurt most Texas school districts. Our former superintendent expressed this with a vivid interpretation. Most school districts have expressed their disdain for ...