The link between stress and tooth loss requires a nuanced approach. Stress alone is unlikely to directly cause your teeth to fall out–it’s not as if you go to bed stressed and wake up toothless.
Jack the Ripper was identified as Polish barber Aaron Kosminski by researcher Russell Edwards. The historian is now seeking ...
The director and star discuss the genesis of the buzzy comic thriller, Conan O’Brien’s acting chops, and how capturing the film’s unique tone was like “walking on a razor’s edge.” ...
Author and former senior pastor of Saddleback Church Rick Warren deleted a tweet that used the Crucifixion to suggest that ...
You’ve survived your Untimely Death, and dealt with your would-be assassin in whatever way suited you best, leaving you clear to tackle the Dreamscourge ...
You receive a surprise message or phone call saying you've won a prize. All you need to do is provide your bank account and ...
An historian thinks he's uncovered the identity of Jack the Ripper, claiming a DNA sample proves Aaron Kosminski was the ...
Six young people who lived with deep faith and committed their lives to the Church that Jesus founded are on their way to ...
Philip Shenon’s “Jesus Wept” looks at the church since World War II, with particular focus on the clerical abuse crisis and ...
Liv = tough = big complainer. Complains if someone tracks in snow: slip-and-trip hazard. Once complained janitor had given ...
Saddleback Church founder and former senior pastor Rick Warren drew scorn on social media for implying that Jesus Christ ...