Elizabeth Olsen reveals that she has pitched a story for Scarlet Witch's MCU return, and it would be very different from the ...
Spring plays out like a strange hybrid of Before Sunrise, The Animal Kingdom, and Species: a symbiotic genre mashup whose elements of horror and romantic drama cohere far better than you might expect ...
An off-the-rails psychological mystery starring Gary Oldman and Christopher Lloyd shot in Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach in 1987.
The Russo brothers talked about the connections between Iron Man and Doctor Doom, and it's a great teaser for the Avengers: ...
Angela Bassett's Athena is panicked in EW's exclusive preview clip from the 'Doctor Odyssey' crossover episode with Joshua ...
Robert Downey Jr.'s casting as Doctor Doom is explained in a new MCU theory that connects with the confirmation that Tony ...
Scarlet Witch variant crushed by mountain in TVA #4, echoing her fate in Multiverse of Madness. Artist Pere Perez clarifies ...
The latest issue of Marvel Comics' TVA hits shelves tomorrow, and it confirms that the Wanda Variant we saw in issue 3's ...
We haven't seen the last of Scarlet Witch in the MCU, or at least that's what Elizabeth Olsen's recent comments seem to imply ...