The Heritage Pro gives builders 1.1 inches of cable space behind the motherboard tray, which will be extra-important to anyone who wants to employ its side fan mount. You see, the location of the ...
Remove the large, hexagon-punched drive-mounting panel that covers most of the back of The Tower 600’s motherboard tray, and you get access to the area behind the CPU socket of most motherboards.
The case includes a pre-cut hole in the motherboard tray to work with the PROJECT ZERO series, making it easier to install supported motherboards. Inside the case, you have plenty of options for ...
Finding the best gaming motherboard isn’t always straightforward, as your choices depend on the CPU you want to install. Not only will AMD chipsets not work with Intel CPUs, but newer Ryzen 9000 ...
Years back, when a small website called out for product-review editors. I leapt at the opportunity: I’d just wrapped up a four-year stint as a systems supplier. That experience provided the ...
There's support in the chassis for it, too. At the top left of the motherboard tray at the rear of the case, you'll spot "PLACE CONTROLLER HERE" text etched into the panel. NZXT does sell ...
Years back, when a small website called out for product-review editors. I leapt at the opportunity: I’d just wrapped up a four-year stint as a systems supplier. That experience provided the ...
but as the image shows we really didn’t need 70mm of vertical motherboard clearance for our 52mm-thick cooler. The 57mm of space that would have been left with the tray installed still would ...