Sova's recon abilities provide strategic advantages on the Sunset map in Valorant. Detailed lineups ... Sova Lineups Sunset 2024 *NEW* 2) B-Lobby to B-Back Site To really take B-Site during ...
Valorant Mobile is set to revolutionize the mobile gaming culture and increase its fanbase. It will feature a Replication Mode, classic 5v5 mode, Deathmatch sessions, and customizable HUD options.
In this guide, we explain the new Hindering debuff status effect in Valorant and how it works with the 28th agent, Waylay, in ...
VALORANT's new agent is finally here, and she may enter the meta at the speed of light. Thai duelist Waylay relies on quick ...
VALORANT Patch 10.04 introduces a new Duelist, Waylay, after a recent Masters Bangkok reveal. In addition, this update will ...
Waylay, Valorant’s 28th agent, joins as an agile Thai duelist with a focus on speed and light manipulation. With abilities ...
BANGKOK, Thailand — As the Valorant Championship Tour's Masters: Bangkok concludes this weekend, Riot Games has launched an upcoming new agent: Waylay, Thailand's prismatic radiant duelist ...
Image via: Riot The newest patch from Valorant, Patch 10.04, shakes up the game for both Agents and gameplay. One of the major highlights is that there is a new agent in the Duelist category named ...
While Valorant positions itself somewhere between Counter-Strike and Overwatch, it's trending towards the latter, and Riot has noticed.
UPDATE: Valorant's new agent Waylay is still missing in action, despite supposedly having a March 5 release date. The Valorant patch notes confirm that Waylay will "be released in a staggered ...
What are the new Valorant codes? Everyone likes it when they get free stuff, and it’s even better when it’s for hugely popular multiplayer games like Valorant. However, in the case of high ...