Tracing paper printables are a fun way to practice fine motor skills for young children! Here you’ll find alphabet worksheets to work on letter formation, as well as number tracing worksheets to help ...
I just finished rereading John Steinbeck’s “The Moon Is Down.” The short novel traces oppressors (Nazis, in this case), who, without provocation, take over a small democratic town.
A recent letter claimed that the disappearance of DEI is welcome in most communities. I beg to differ. The dismantling of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives across America is not only a ...
Let the Hip Hop Granny teach your class all about capital letters and full stops with this fun routine. This song is a great way to introduce or recap this topic and will get pupils energised.
Please purchase a Premium Subscription to continue reading. To continue, please log in, or sign up for a new account. We offer one free story view per month. If you ...
Having "done my homework," I am often troubled by articles and letters about 3A, the MBTA Communities Act. This law, passed under and signed by Gov. Charlie Baker, does not strip anyone of any ...
I didn't watch the president's address last Tuesday, and I am better off because of it. There isn't much point in giving him any more power than he's already taken from us.
Dear Editor: The April 1 Madison aldermanic election is, like all elections, a referendum on how our elected officials have performed in their primary job of representing us as their constituents. In ...
The future of the City of Alton and the Village of Godfrey are directly tied to the upcoming April 1 Municipal elections. Resident voters will have the opportunity to elect a Mayor and Alderman/Board ...
The recent commentary written by Sean Clark was well thought-out and composed ("I hope we choose our national future wisely," The Daily News, March 21, 2025).