The suit, filed by the state, challenges a legal interpretation that allows tribes to exert authority over as much as 2.7 ...
The U.S. Army apologized for the 1869 bombardment of the Tlingit village called Ḵaachx̱aana.áakʼw at a ceremony on Jan. 11 in Wrangell. Of the six Tlingit clans that received the apology ...
This story has been corrected to note the apology was offered to seven clans, not six. As voices became hushed and the crowd waited for the ceremony to begin, a toddler mumbled an inaudible ...
The U.S. Army apologized for the 1869 bombardment of the Tlingit village called Ḵaachx̱aana.áakʼw at a ceremony on Saturday, Jan. 11, in Wrangell. Of the six Tlingit clans that received the ...
To understand why these clans did accept the apology in full is also to understand Tlingit apologetic tradition.
It was Oct. 26, 1882, in Angoon, a Tlingit village of about 420 people in the southeastern Alaska panhandle. Now, 142 years later, the perpetrator of the bombardment — the U.S. Navy — is set to say it ...
Old boats sit onshore in Angoon. The Tlingit village, 50 miles south of Juneau on Admiralty Island, used to have a fleet of small salmon fishing vessels, but many have fallen into disrepair and ...
Yaanishtuk Mike Tagaban said his understanding from talking with an area elder is “we had eight clan houses in our village downtown ... Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes ...
A permitting system designed in the 1970s was supposed to make Alaska’s commercial fishing industry more sustainable and more ...
"The Army killed our people here," she said, "and now they're going to say sorry." The U.S. Army apologized for the 1869 bombardment of the Tlingit village called Ḵaachx̱aana.áakʼw at a ceremony on ...