The Tlingit Indians assert that they have owned and lived in Southeast Alaska since time immemorial. The archaeological records attest to a minimum of 10, 000 years of occupation. Living in an ...
Icy Strait Point in Alaska, a winner in Travel + Leisure's 2025 Global Vision Awards, offers both thoughtful programs and exciting excursions.
Occupying the islands and mainland of southeast Alaska are the northernmost groups of the Northwest Coast cultures; the Tlingit and Haida Indians. They are well-known for their distinctive art ...
Kinneen had never experienced that, nor had his Tlingit ancestors, who lived off the land and sea for millennia. He decided his path would be to set the record straight about Alaska Native foodways, ...
Three years following the establishment of the Alaska Native Brotherhood in 1912, the Alaska Native Sisterhood was founded on ...
The Tlingit have been opposing the complete exemption ... We are part of the land and the land is part of us." But some native groups have profited from logging here. And Alaska's Sen.
“This threat the sea otters pose extends far beyond accessing food,” says Heather Douville, a sea otter hunter from the Tlingit Tribe on Prince of Wales Island, in Alaska. “It jeopardizes ...
Assembly members are expected to vote April 7 on an ordinance that will ultimately decide whether or not to approve leasing ...
Ketchikan Indian Community is committed to continue working with our ... The Roadless Rule must continue to be upheld across the Tongass National Forest.” Wanda Culp (Tlingit), Tongass hub regional ...
art photographers Larry McNeil (Tlingit/Nisga’a) and Will Wilson (Diné/Bilagáana) challenge this photographic legacy in their work. These artists’ works emphasize that American Indians, like the ...