Fighter jets may be a mainstay among many developed nations in the world, but which country actually has the most advanced ...
IRKUTSK, February 26. /TASS/. The Sukhoi Su-30SM fighter jet will be standardized with the generation 4++ Su-35 fighter by its onboard equipment and armament to cut its cost price and breathe a ...
A large number of Russian and NATO aircraft were flying simultaneously over neutral waters of the Baltic Sea as Russian ...
Despite this, Russia began seeking buyers for the "non-existent" fighter, aiming to market ... six batches of Su-34, and one batch of Su-30SM. The exact number of aircraft in each batch remains ...
While the British newspaper Daily Mail once again tried to fool the Trumpist audience with information about the alleged ...
It is considered the main fighter jet force on the Kola Peninsula ... The air base in Monchegorsk is home to MiG-29K, Su-33 and Su-30SM, as well as the Su-34 aircraft. The 2,400 metre long runway in ...
Against this backdrop, russia announced its first export contract for Su-57 fighter jets, with Algeria as the buyer ... which are considered strategically important for the Kremlin. Su-30SM in service ...
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As the Russian Su-57 stealth fighter jet enters serial production, the debate over how it stacks up against the American ...