A Han Solo blaster might be the ultimate Star Wars prize. Will it make more than $3 million at auction this summer? Find out ...
The best bounty hunters in Star Wars had a wide array of skills ... She was eventually beaten, though, and earned a fatal blaster bolt to the abdomen for her trouble. She was saved by Boba Fett ...
Force stasis provided one of the earliest cool moments in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, when Kylo Ren froze a blaster bolt in midair until Poe had been put on his ship. Even with the sequel ...
Set decorator Roger Christian was tasked with designing Solo’s weapon, with a goal of making the character appear like a cowboy—but, of course, in space. Only one other Han Solo blaster has ever made ...
Star Wars: Trials On Tatooine is ILMxLab's ... Do you have any sense of how difficult it is to accurately deflect a blaster bolt using a lightsaber? I swat the red death beams aside with ease ...