Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry had written a proposed big screen version of the TV show titled The God Thing, which would ...
Voyager movie still hasn't happened, but the franchise has already introduced a brilliant way such a project could happen in ...
Whether they're grouchy or graceful, these physicians help the heroes of Star Trek accomplish their space-faring missions.
If Star Trek 4 happens, the franchise's return to the Kelvin Timeline is a great chance to make up to William Shatner after ...
Scorpion may be the gold standard when it comes to cold opens in Star Trek. It is certainly among the shortest while also ...
In the realm of science fiction, Dyson spheres and ringworlds have been staples for decades. But it is well known that the ...
God of War has received a green signal from Amazon Prime Video for two Seasons, and Star Trek maestro Ronald D. Moore will ...
“Heart of Stone” ranks high on this list because of an amazing scene in which Nog declairs his desire to join Starfleet. It’s an incredible moment, filled with not just outstanding acting from ...
From its very beginning, Star Trek has been about moving forward with boundaries—not just in the genre of sci-fi but in real-world depiction as well.
I can only go forward with a modicum of grace and tenderness toward myself and others,” says Kate Mulgrew, who stars in the ...
Over the years, the Star Trek franchise has had characters from ... But hey, this is pretty close to perfect. The fact that this short looks so professional with store-bought model kits is nothing ...