Nearly 90 per cent of households across the country will see their council tax increase by the maximum amount next month for the third consecutive year. 153 upper-tier authorities are increasing ...
Sedgemoor, Somerset West and Taunton, and South Somerset) into a single unitary authority – together with associated management challenges – is very significant; indeed, these issues have contributed ...
Nearly 90 per cent of households across the country will see their council tax increase by the maximum amount next month for the third consecutive year. Close to nine out of ten (88 per cent) ...
Four new planning commissioners were selected to review and make recommendations on land use, zoning and conditional use decisions.
Amber Valley Borough Council wants people to consider an option which splits Derby and Derbyshire up into three councils ...
Council Tax will increase by the maximum - or more - in almost nine out of 10 areas in England. A majority of households in England are facing a third year of maximum council tax hikes after all ...
According to travel news alert service Inrix, an incident occurred this afternoon, March 16, before Sedgemoor Services along the southbound carriageway between junction 21 and junction 22.
MailOnline's interactive map today reveals the number of asylum seekers supported across the UK as of the end of 2024. Latest data, released by the House of Commons Library, shows 109,100 are ...
Apparently the only way New Zealand can host the America’s Cup again is if we give Auckland Council new powers of taxation. Smart observers will start to smell a rat.' Don’t fall for Auckland ...