Those $100 and $150 tickets people have been paying to settle their school zone speed camera tickets have raised quite a bit ...
Butts County Sheriff Gary Long and Norcross Police Chief Bill Logan told a Georgia Senate committee Wednesday they are both ...
Citations issued from Bibb County school zone speeding cameras are suspended, according to Facbook post fromSheriff David ...
Between 2023 and 2024, the amount of revenue generated by the traffic cameras in Macon-Bibb doubled, the records show.
The Bibb County Sheriff’s Office will no longer approve citations issued by school zone speed cameras, Sheriff David Davis ...
"There is incentive for local government to use cameras to rake in money," state Rep. Dale Washburn (R-Macon) told a subcommittee of the senate public safety committee Wednesday. Washburn and other ...
Drivers in Lakeland may soon see cameras installed in school zones and additional red-light cameras. Violators will receive a ...
ATLANTA — A rare pre-dawn Georgia Senate subcommittee hearing is being held Wednesday at the state Capitol for two bills ...
Philadelphia pushed hard to win the right to put speed cameras in school zones from a state legislature that has been ...
The Georgia House of Representatives punted the question to the Georgia Senate this week when it passed two competing bills: one that would ban the school zone speed cameras and one that would tighten ...
Anyone in the designated school zone caught driving 11 mph or more over the posted speed limit would receive a $100 civil ...
Macon-Bibb County Mayor Lester Miller announced Monday that he intends to "proceed with limited [school speed zone] camera ...