Satellites have managed to detect faint electromagnetic signals generated by ocean tides, suggesting that space-born sensors ...
Muon spin rotation (µSR) spectroscopy is a powerful technique that helps to study the behavior of materials at the atomic ...
A team of physicists and engineers at the University of Colorado Boulder has discovered a new way to measure the orientation ...
Science X is a network of high quality websites with most complete and comprehensive daily coverage of the full sweep of ...
NASA's MMS mission discovered whistler-mode chorus waves in an unexpected region, the terrestrial mid-tail neutral sheet, ...
In a discovery that has intrigued space scientists worldwide, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) satellites have detected chorus waves—electromagnetic plasma bursts—over 62,000 miles from Earth, ...
Chorus waves are mysterious, chirping signals produced by spiraling plasma inside our planet's magnetic field. But a new ...
Chinese researchers detected audible electromagnetic waves over 62,000 miles from Earth in a region where they weren't ...
Peculiar bursts of energy called chorus waves have been detected in deep space far from our planet, suggesting they could ...
Scientists have detected cosmic waves that sound like chirping birds in an unexpected place. These bursts of plasma, called ...
Magnetic fields are produced by electrical currents that are generated by various astrophysical objects. The study of magnetic fields seeks to understand their origin, as well as the acceleration ...
The reversal could actually have a beneficial effect on Earth. The sun is on the verge of a significant event: a magnetic field reversal. The sun undergoes such a reversal every 11 years ...