San Jose, California, is a vibrant city known for its tech-driven economy, diverse culture, and proximity to natural beauty.
As I was running the San Jose Shamrock Run last Saturday morning through downtown San Jose, I found myself thinking of Frank Taylor, the former longtime head of the city's redevelopment agency who ...
The Madonna Inn ranked No. 2 on Gunther Volkswagen’s list of the top mom-and-pop lodgings in California due to its creative ...
SAN JOSE — Santana Row in San Jose is producing a fresh crop of stores and one restaurant, a sign that the destination South ...
A Disney-designed neighborhood in the Coachella Valley with multi-million dollar homes, a Club 33-like private lounge, ...
“Mexico is not that much different from many other places in the world,” says Jack Ezon, founder of New York City-based ...
Here are eight library-cafe pairings across the Bay Area with great vibes and even better eats. Croissant, anyone? Perhaps a ...
ONE thing is hard to miss these days on the Mexican side of the border with the United States: the migrants are gone.
Anne Wojcicki has resigned as 23andMe's CEO. She is the sister of late YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki and the ex-wife of Sergey ...
The Dairy State is churning out new culinary sensations, thanks to small-town revivals and deep reverence for tradition.
You don’t find Class B assets like that, they just don’t build those anymore,” said the former property owner’s chief ...
SAN JOSE — A big San Jose hotel is poised to land by the end of April the funding it needs to avoid a loan foreclosure, a ...