boilerplate public relations pablum" in his letter. "This bishop, like so many frankly, has done and continues to do the absolute bare minimum," Clohessy said. "Frankly, it's a bit mind boggling.
A recent letter to the editor called for a forensic ... The last thing residents need is a public relations campaign for another tax that does none of this. It too will fail, and we will all ...
The amount would cover a year's pay ... The termination letter made public allegations by Sarah Boese, the county's director of community relations at the time, that McCoy made sexist and violent ...
On Monday, Netanyahu shot back with a warning letter to Attorney ... prime minister political cover in ceasefire negotiations. The other is looking into claims that Qatar reportedly hired close ...
As someone with decades of experience as a job interviewer and applicant, I’m always surprised when I encounter dismissiveness—and outright disdain—of cover letters (especially when that ...
He is a former assistant federal public defender in Michigan and Pennsylvania. We welcome letters of 275 words or fewer. Letters are subject to editing for length, clarity and grammar. They should ...
Our North Dakota public schools are under attack. The attackers are the pro-privatization legislators who are pushing for a radical change to our state's educational system that will have dire ...
Rather than addressing the rampant discrimination against Jews on its campus, Columbia is mounting a campaign to turn public ...
Views of the WBEZ studio core after being remodeled at Chicago Public Media’s offices in Navy Pier. Manuel Martinez/WBEZ Share Dear supporters and members, A couple of months ago, we shared that ...
As an elected official, I believe accountability and accessibility are essential to public service. That’s why I’m disappointed that Congressman Yakym refuses to hold public town halls for his ...
These suggestions share a commonality: they require increased public education funding. If the legislature doesn’t even keep up with inflation, how can they hope to address teacher retention and ...
Currently, public schools are reimbursed at about 33% of special education costs, leaving districts to find other sources to cover this mandated expense. Underly proposed the reimbursement rate of ...