In its required “WARN” letter filing, the pharmacy and retail giant said that 38 employees are affected. The location of the layoffs was listed as its headquarters — Woonsocket, RI — and the ...
Too often, Rhode Island’s best businesses get gobbled up and then become just outposts for major corporations, but one law ...
A reconfiguration of the Cowesett Avenue/Rt. 2 intersection has some wondering if it was really done to improve safety.
Five colorful pop-up creatures — POPO, POPUP, POPLI, POPETTE and POPOTIN — emerging from boxes have taken up residence in ...
The report cites increases in the costs of rent, transportation, child care and health care as factors in the rising levels ...
Retired Judge Frank Caprio joined ABC 6 in studio Thursday to discuss his new book “Compassion in the Court.” Judge Caprio spoke to John DeLuca about his career on the bench, his family, and his ...
Shekarchi's bill would create a new type of emergency shelter units, called SAVE Units, under the state's building code that ...