Through its pronghorn program, NPCA works to re-establish winter migration habitat for Yellowstone’s pronghorn antelope. Since 2010, NPCA has been working with private landowners, public land managers ...
The 150-mile “Path of the Pronghorn” migration corridor for the Sublette Antelope Herd has reached the next milestone in its inch toward state-level protections.
Antelope Valley, the arid lowland north of Los Angeles. Imagine, then, biologists’ delight when a half-dozen pronghorn wandered into a busy area of Death Valley National Park, the Mojave’s most iconic ...
CPW District Wildlife Manager Aaron Berscheid says as Colorado Springs expands, the herd could move further east.
Pronghorn antelope, mule deer and grey fox roam the vast grasslands of the northern desert, while roadrunners, reptiles, jackrabbits and eagles live in the desert scrub. Little rain falls in the ...