As Easter approaches on April 20, 2025, faithful Christians worldwide are using the holy season of Christ’s journey from sacrifice to resurrection to demand protection for vulnerable people around the ...
Cardinal Christophe Pierre, the Vatican's ambassador to the U.S. known as the Apostolic Nuncio, took part in the Mass, ...
The event included Catholic leaders from across Michigan and the U.S, as well as Protestant ... white robes with black crosses on the front and back. During the Mass, some of the clergy in ...
Catholics who marry before a Protestant minister incur excommunication ... religious ceremony at them by forbidding the priest to use any sacred vestments, holy water or blessing of the ring ...
On St. Patrick’s Day, the vice president personally guided Dominican Father Henry Stephan through the presidential residence.
The first year of the program, families were encouraged to put whatever spare change or bills they had- Lenten alms- into the ...
O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of your priests. Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their ...
I become better—a better bishop and a better priest, and better to my men—precisely because I want to generate love for the ...
While working one night behind the bar of her family pub, serving a motley crowd including locally-stationed soldiers, Catholic schoolteacher Cushla meets Michael, an older Protestant married man.