Pakistan's Regional Reference Laboratory for Polio Eradication has detected Wild Poliovirus Type 1 in sewage samples from 18 districts, including Islamabad and major cities in all four provinces.
It was an innocuous thing any five-year-old would do. When Sadia Sulaiman was a child, construction work on her neighbour's house produced the perfect place to play — a mud pit. So she did.
These are the best microscopes for students and young scientists, offering professional functionality without breaking the bank. Our guide to the best microscopes for students includes a range of ...
Johnson & Johnson has agreed to take over Intra-Cellular Therapies in a deal worth up to $14.6 billion – the second biopharma M&A announcement today. The $132-per-share agreement comes a few ...
Society was undergoing gradual but progressive change during this period. Hospitals were begun, clinics to treat the poor were established, and better public health strategies were employed as ...
Diseases of the nervous system refer to disorders that affect any part of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord or cranial nerves) or peripheral nervous system. A hallmark of addiction is ...
The nervous system is a complex network of neurons and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. People who have early signs of heart problems ...
The eradication of polio in Pakistan has been held up with six recorded cases so far this year. There are concerns that foreign aid cuts under US President Donald Trump could compound the issue.
Today, March 26, is one of the most important days in human history. It was on this day in 1953 that Dr Jonas Salk announced that he had successfully developed a cure for polio. On March 26, 1971, ...
Dysautonomia refers to a group of disorders involving nerves that control heart rate, breathing, and other involuntary functions. Dysautonomia can be difficult to diagnose, in part because symptoms ...