Law enforcement agencies can access these expanded design features through their existing department accounts on the Owl ...
Alice Stebbins Wells patrolled dance halls, skating rinks, penny arcades and movie theaters, keeping these public spaces free ...
With a $25,000 donation from the Maple Grove Lions Club, the police department was able to purchase new badges and patches for all of the Maple Grove officers, community service ...
The Maple Grove Lions Club donated $25,000 to the local police for new badges and patches aligned with Minnesota's redesigned ...
The design must include “Rio Rancho Police serving since 1981,” RRPD badge, American Flag and a cluster of three stars representing the three fallen officers or their call signs 103 ...
The Cameron Police Department is building a memorial to honor fallen Sergeant Joshua Clouse who was killed in May 2023 while ...
Dallas city officials now say police recruits will receive basic classroom training on the campus of the University of North Texas at Dallas -- a reversal ...
The withdrawal of "unnecessary and outdated guidance will aid businesses in complying with the ADA by eliminating unnecessary review and focusing only on current ADA guidance," the department said in ...
The Chattanooga Police Department’s vacancy rate is down to 18 percent today, he said. He pledged to fill out those patrol positions this year, and he promised to advocate for public safety as ...
The HP design goes with AMD’s latest laptop processors, which makes it a powerhouse by comparison. With a white (or silver) ...
and shall not display a badge or design that would make them easily confused with any local law enforcement agency. Uniforms and vehicles must be inspected by the Chief of Police or designee every ...