Baseball pitching is a complex motion that requires precise mechanics to optimize performance and minimize the risk of injury. As the sport evolves, understanding the biomechanics of pitching has ...
It has nothing to do with the ability to hit major-league pitching, but he sure does look good. "Clean" mechanics are basically another way to state "smooth," a euphemism. As for whether it makes ...
The report on injuries included a survey of 200 experts in pitching and pitching mechanics from all levels of the game. The conclusions weren’t terribly surprising, and the likely solutions run ...
When today’s coaches use programs like KinaTrax to analyze mechanics, or when someone uses a term like “scapular loading” and describes pitching as a whiplike action, they are building on ...
Popular Mechanics is an award-winning publication with an audience that reaches millions across video, print, and online. We publish the latest science and technology news, authoritative how-to ...
Rob Friedman "Pitching Ninja" dives into Jose Berrios' offseason tweaks to his mechanics while working with throwing coach Tom House's Mustard App to get more extension and locate pitches better.