The Romans named the seventh day Saturday, based on the Roman god Saturn. The word means “enough.” Saturn’s reign was ...
The tenth and eleventh weekly Torah readings from Exodus, Vayakkel (35:1-38:20) and Pekekudei (38:21-40:38) deal with the construction of the Tabernacle during Moses’s time. Many readers think the ...
This is an excerpt from TV Guide Magazine’s The Chosen: Special Easter Issue. For a deep-dive into the wildly popular series ...
Luke Dimyan discusses his portrayal of Judas Iscariot in The Chosen Last Supper, the character s internal struggles and the ...
In Jesus’ time, tax collectors were considered by the Jews as enemies of the people because they collaborated with their Roman conquerors. Tax collectors would also steal from their countrymen by ...
We live in an age where people resist and even resent the idea of authority. A rugged individualism that says you cannot tell ...
Who is responsible for the birth of Christianity? As with any major phenomenon, the answer is complex. Christianity developed ...
David took another man's wife and arranged for her husband's death, yet he was called a man after God's own heart (2 Samuel ...
NCR readers respond to stories about 2025 Oscar-nominated films, "prophetic contempt" and Bishop Barron's digital silence.
These religious leaders were self-absorbed sinners who wanted people to live “under law” rather than “under grace” (see Romans 6:14). Sadly, most of the Pharisees knew nothing about the ...
COMMENTARY: The film’s prescription for a future pope coincides with the current Pope’s autobiographical reflections. Why ...