When a protester was caught on video in January at a New York rally against Israel, only her eyes were visible between a mask ...
MOIR reviews the new Snow White film, a £215million live action remake of the original Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs.
Israel groups have enlisted help from supporters on campuses, urging them to report foreign students who participated in ...
Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian village in the southern Israeli-occupied West Bank. Security camera footage obtained ...
Clean Shelter' is a popup nonprofit and a collaboration between a Palestinian woman and an Israeli woman both living in ...
WilmerHale joined Jenner & Block in suing to block the orders that strip their lawyers of security clearances and bar them from entering federal buildings. Skadden, a Top Law Firm, Seeks a Deal to ...
Facing a repressive environment in the physical world as well as the digital one, activists in Iran have developed ways to counteract repression. The anonymous Iranian women activists who spoke to The ...