Now that we have cleared all of that up here are 22 beautiful European Palaces you don’t want to miss! 22 European Palaces You Must See 1. Buckingham Palace – England Home to the Queen of ...
the Palace of Nations was constructed at the end of the 1920s as the headquarters for the now defunct League of Nations. Today, this massive complex (one of the largest in Europe) is home to the U ...
Discover the baroque State Apartments built for William lll and Mary that rival the great palaces of Europe and enjoy the never-ending vistas, courtyards, ornamental gardens and parkland designed ...
It is also thought to be the largest royal palace in Western Europe with a total of 3,418 rooms, only some of which are open to the public, including the popular armory room and royal pharmacy.
Modern-day Turkey is accepted as the birthplace of the Ottoman Empire and visiting the many palaces and royal residences still standing in Istanbul is one of the best ways to conjure up images of ...