Oyster populations in the Chesapeake Bay are faring well, according to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ annual Fall Oyster Survey.
TODDVILLE, Md. - Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) released its annual oyster survey, reporting that the ...
After a remarkable year for oyster reproduction in 2023, the survey’s 2024 spatfall intensity index, a measure of reproductive success and potential population growth for oysters, was above the ...
While high temperatures pose challenges for farmed fish, the rising heat index is benefiting another marine product—the ...
Despite the prosperity of the oyster industry ... as cooler water and lower salinity trigger their rapid reproduction,” Ferrer warned. These invasive mussels compete with oysters for space ...
Even short heatwaves have led to catastrophic losses of seagrass habitats, fish, and impacting the long-term survival and reproduction rates of dolphins ... seagrass beds and oyster reefs will ...
All other over-60s. Pay £20 for nearly unlimited travel on Tube, buses and more. To fill the gap if you can’t get the Freedom Pass, the 60+ Oyster card gives you free travel most of the time on London ...
Peltzer's brother will stay in South Australia and be trained by Will Clarken and Niki O'Shea after being bought for $240,000 in the opening session of Monday's Magic Millions Adelaide Yearling Sale.