The conch is the sunken-in dip in the middle ... Pain Threshold: 7/10. An orbital piercing refers to any piercing where two holes are made in the same part of the ear, generally so that a hooped ...
The conch shell has been an integral part of Hindu rituals for centuries where it is often blown at the beginning of prayers or ceremonies and is believed to dispel negativity while inviting ...
Gun piercing can push bacteria deeper into the tissue, increasing the risk of infection. Needles, on the other hand, create a cleaner hole and minimize bacterial contamination during the process.
Thinking about getting a nose piercing? You're in the right place. Welcome to Nose Piercing 101: Cosmopolitan's handy guide to what to expect on your trip to the jewellery counter. Maybe you're ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...