Linda Humphreys was asleep sheltered in her shed when high winds from the tornado blew her and the shed off its foundation ...
Oklahoma’s legislature is not quite halfway through session, but key deadlines have narrowed lawmakers’ focus.
The bill, which passed in the Oklahoma Senate this week, would change the requirements for what can make it to the ballot.
The Oklahoma State Senate voted to limit how many signatures can be collected from Tulsa and Oklahoma Counties when it comes ...
The bill would limit the number of signatures from high-population areas and would require anyone collecting signatures to be ...
Gov. Kevin Stitt will choose a replacement for former Justice Yvonne Kauger, whom voters opted not to retain in November.
Your votes are in and the field of Oklahoma City burger restaurants has been narrowed from 16 to eight. Every restaurant on ...
Robinson served with the Army during World War II before famously breaking baseball’s color barrier in 1947 with the Brooklyn Dodgers.
CNN Electoral Map. The map below displays CNN's best estimate of the key states that will likely decide the 2012 presidential election. Determining what qualifies as a battlegroun ...