Guns were the leading cause of death among American youth for the third year in a row in 2023, outpacing car accidents.
This means that the number of deaths has fallen by 1.6% compared to the previous year. As in the previous years, the most common cause of death in 2019 was cardiovascular disease. It accounted for ...
A favorite talking point from the Biden White House is that guns are the leading cause of death of children. The problem is that it is false. “The number one cause of death of the children in ...
Road traffic accidents have made it among the top 10 leading causes in 2011. Cardiovascular diseases remain the number one cause of death throughout the world, and killed nearly 17 million people ...
Before war in the twentieth century, disease was the number one killer of combatants ... The second leading cause of death was typhoid fever. It was included with other vague ‘continued fevers ...
Every week at least 300 lives are being lost to COVID-19 across the country, while the coronavirus is already the number one cause of death in Australia this year, it has overtaken coronary heart ...