Some musicians like to be subtle when singing about intimacy -- but not Shirley Gnome. The Vancouver musician/comedian -- who will be part of Ignite The Arts March 28-30 -- fell into showbiz thanks to ...
“It’s funny, teaching him how to do laundry,” she told Hudson, joking that she’s been doing laundry since she was at least 10 years old. In addition to teaching her fiancé how to do ...
The book is narrated by Kick, who is “as tall as six sweets piled on top of each other”. “As you can see, I’m a gnome,” he explains. “A real one. I’m guessing you think you know a lot about me? Well, ...
It's unspeakably funny watching one of my friends run from a killer clown ... These guys may be scary, but they're nothing compared to the Huntsman and those dastardly gnomes. My only advice when it ...