The Megane is now a small electric SUV, but does that make it stand out from its competitors? Jon Reay has been putting it ...
Renault’s made the bold decision to replace its traditional Megane with an all-new and electric-only replacement called the, erm, Megane. Familiar moniker aside, the new Megane E-Tech ...
The Renault Megane E-Tech is comfortable and easy to drive, as well as being more than quick enough for a family car. We like the adjustable regenerative braking, while the suspension strikes a good ...
The Renault Megane E-Tech is well worth considering if you're looking for an electric car that’s comfortable and quiet to drive on motorways. Its range is competitive and there’s plenty of ...
Constructorul nipon tocmai a dezvăluit oficial cea de-a 6-a generație a lui Micra. Odată cu lansarea noii generații, Nissan ...
Of course, to make it feel even more special, the French automaker has opened the order books for R Pass customers first - and they can spend £29,995 OTR ...
Citeste despre ➜ Renault numește un nou director general la divizia de vehicule electrice in Forbes Romania ✅ Afla cele mai ...
The Megane is only available with electric power. (PA) Well, Renault has other ideas – sort ... Enter the Megane E-Tech: a medium-sized EV that, unusually these days, is actually shaped like ...
The Renault Megane E-Tech is well worth considering if you're looking for an electric car that’s comfortable and quiet to drive on motorways. Its range is competitive and there’s plenty of ...