The film primarily follows Thomas (Nicholas Hoult) a salesman who must leave his wife Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp) to travel to Transylvania and meet with the reclusive Count-Orlock (Bill Skarsgard).
Overall, “Nosferatu” is another great Eggers flick and one of the best Gothic horror pieces of recent memory. More than being ...
Nosferatu director Robert Eggers reveals the inspiration Tim Burton's Batman Returns had on his Gothic vampire movie, which ...
Heretic Parfum is back to spread the chilling, pale scent of Nosferatu in the form of a scented candle that's aesthetically appealing.
The new film’s Gothic aesthetic and spiritual themes create a wonderfully gruesome cinematic masterpiece, Burtner writes.
This past Christmas, director Robert Eggers, known for “The Lighthouse” and “The Witch,” released his eagerly awaited film ...
The report further stated that Kanye West bought a $35 million mansion in Beverly Hills and is doing everything for Bianca ...
Besides being the most familiar vampire story in fiction, the main draw to the latest "Nosferatu" is Robert Eggers’ atmospheric direction and the actors' delivery.
That said, as someone who has followed Eggers from the very beginning of his brief yet incredible career up to this point, I ...
Robert Eggers' newest film "Nosferatu," a remake of F.W. Murnau's of the same name, is a must-see for all horror fans.
The director has only made movies set in the past, but he has chosen wildly different settings for each project.
Lily-Rose Depp 's terrifying audition tape for horror film Nosferatu has left fans with one common question. The French-American actress, 25, starred in the movie released at the start of this year ...